This weekend in Marana, AZ, you can expect mostly sunny weather with cooler temperatures. On Saturday, highs will reach around 81°F, with a mostly clear evening cooling down to around 52°F. Sunday will bring a change with a 50% chance of showers by the afternoon, and temperatures peaking at around 69°F, with the likelihood of continued showers into the evening. The rain chances are expected to increase, so it might be a good idea to plan any outdoor activities for early in the weekend before clouds roll in on Sunday.
This weekend in Tucson, AZ, you'll experience sunny and mild conditions on Saturday, with highs around 81°F and lows around 50°F in the evening. However, a shift arrives Sunday, as there's a chance of rain (about 45%) beginning in the afternoon, accompanied by cloud cover. Sunday’s temperatures will be noticeably cooler, with highs near 70°F and lows in the upper 40s overnight, marking a breezy and potentially wet close to the weekend.